Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Facebook Messages Are Lethal?

Many a times, Facebook has taken credit for its new Messaging service. The media is just ranting about this cool new feature, which was primarily a result of a conflict of interests between Google and Facebook. However, certain features of the new messaging service will prove problematic for you… How so? Read on:

Not Much of an Openness

Yeah, we know that MS Office is the dominant productivity suite in the market. However, Facebook is also trying to exclude all others, in an attempt to be the first choice of millions of consumers. The Executive in the Office Group wrote, “I’m really excited about being able to make it even easier for people to use Office to access and share information across different devices, networks and platforms.”

Openness naturally demands an easy access regardless of the hardware and software based obstacles.

Limited Interoperability

Facebook’s tight integration with the Microsoft Office Suite may not be that much tight. Office is good for interoperability with other people, but there are million others who’re using Open Office and LibreOffice. What about them?

Facebook does have friendly relationships with Microsoft. There’s no denying to it, because we’ve see the Bing and Facebook collaboration. However, Facebook is mostly focusing on Microsoft Office through its messaging service, which is not good. The social media needs to open its doors for other corporate sectors as well. Facebook users will have to stick to Microsoft Office IF they need exchange documents online.

Limited Choice Criterion

Microsoft likes to protect and lock its clients, within a whirlwind of glazy features. Apple likes to do the same thing, it is too exclusive. So what impact does it have on Facebook? To be honest, the social media platform’s continuing partnership with Microsoft will eventually turn it into a walled garden sort of thing. People won’t be able to use the software that’s out of the box….


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