Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Choosing Between MVC and MVP Patterns in ASP.NET

Lately, ASP.NET developers have been paying increasing attention to the architectural aspect of their applications. However, little effort usually is done to choose the right architectural solution. Developers often make a blind choice in favour of the Model-View-Controller pattern and, specifically, ASP.NET MVC framework, disregarding other possible solutions.

Nevertheless, alternative architectural solutions, such as Model-View-Presenter and corresponding frameworks (MVC#, for instance) do prove themselves more useful than MVC in many situations. That is why ASP.NET developers and architects should be aware of all advantages of MVP pattern over MVC and vice versa to choose the appropriate pattern to be used in a specific application. This article provides guidelines for ASP.NET developers on choosing the right pattern among MVC and MVP, concerning all major differences between them.

Choice criteria

1. UI library used
2. Controller-View linking
3. Portability to other UI platforms
4. Tasks support

You can whole article below:

Article Author: Oleg Zhukov

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Google Programming Language

According to Google's programming language "Go" combines the speed of development in a dynamic environment as of Python with the efficiency, performance and safety of a language such as C or C ».

The company has recorded in the official website of the language a FAQ explaining some of the reasons of creating new programming language, while those who wish to gain the first insights into the Go can be directed to the always useful tutorial section.

"GO" official website:

"GO" FAQs:

"GO" Tutorial:

Monday, November 23, 2009

ECTP 2009 - European Construction Technology Platform conference

The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) will hold its 2009 conference on 24 and 25 November in Brussels, Belgium.

Under the title 'Innovation in construction: taking the lead in greening the future', the event is dedicated to the role played by the construction sector in sustainable development and economic recovery.

The conference programme includes a poster session, brokerage and speed dating opportunities, a session for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and a presentation on initiatives around the world.

ERA-NET projects dealing with the construction sector will present their strategies to promote and support transnational projects through joining national funding and networking activities. Results from ongoing research projects and innovative new products entering the market will also be highlighted.

For more infomation you can visit the link above
